Sunday, January 4, 2015

Camping Apron - - Splash-Style

Hey there everyone!  While Momma Sharon is all engrossed with her football this afternoon, I'm snitching the Mac for a few minutes to share a Short Story with you about the camping apron that she made last week.

I won't go into a whole lot of detail about it because she sent out a Postcard a couple days ago talking about the fabric and how she made it and blah, blah, blah.  Now she won't have to use The Cup's java apron when we are out there cooking in the Super Pot or making coffee for a crowd.

Here's the java apron she wore at the Blue Ridge Rally to refresh your memory . . . 

And here's the one she stitched up last week . . . 

That's all for right now.  Have a good weekend and until I have another Story to tell you, always remember . . . 

"Peace, Love & Camping Aprons"

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